General Hospital

Finn does something unbelievable after Gregory’s funeral ABC General Hospital Spoilers

The General Hospital spoilers revealed that Finn was an alcoholic in the past, but he successfully sobered up in recent years, rebuilding his life and career with great effort and determination. However, during Brook and Chase’s wedding, Finn accidentally drank a glass of champagne. That moment stunned him; he immediately realized he made a serious mistake. He’s stressed by the fears he’ll become an alcoholic again; painful and difficult memories of the time came flooding back, making him feel scared. He worried that just one accidental drink could ruin all the abstinence and recovery efforts. But Finn also knows that facing and overcoming the situation is crucial to maintaining sanity and control.

Will Finn become an alcoholic again when he accidentally drinks champagne? Can Finn control his alcoholism? What will happen? Meanwhile, Gregory finally passed away from ALS. His father’s death changed Finn’s entire life, leaving him immersed in pain and loss.

Finn can no longer maintain the resilience that helped him overcome previous challenges. He turned to alcohol as a way to temporarily forget, but that only made the situation worse. He lost mental control, sinking deeper into alcohol addiction. The days of sobriety now seem so far away. He no longer has the ability and will to continue working at the hospital. His career and passion for healing were pushed back, replaced by days of living in a drunken stupor. Relatives and friends who saw his decline felt heartbroken and worried. How will Finn be able to find the strength to start his life again? The pain of not being able to save his father made Finn feel helpless and blame himself.

Although Gregory struggled with the painful disease of ALS, he eventually had to accept the truth. This makes Finn really unable to get over it. In the end, the pain and sense of failure were so great that Finn lost patience and hope. He sank into a state of despair, unable to find any other way than to end his own life. His decision to commit suicide was a huge shock to Liz and everyone around him. They deeply regretted not being able to promptly grasp his psychological condition and help him. Liz was pained by Finn’s death but felt more regretful for not being determined enough to advise him. Now, everyone must accept Finn’s death and overcome this pain. Can Liz get through this? Is there no chance for Finn to return? How will things turn out?

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