Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods REAL Political Message REVEALED..

From showing what America is like Through The Eyes of law enforcement and family to supporting Traditional Values that are well known but often forgotten, let’s look at Blue Bloods and its real political message. Starting with the two pillars of Blue Bloods, now this show’s all about the New York police department and family. Here, the show almost exclusively revolves around the Reagans. If you look at the setup from the perspective of modern America, the family unit at the heart of the show comes off as super traditional. Think about it, even the individual identities of the characters are sort of pushed to the background. Their personal strengths are often exclusively used in the service of the law or the family.

Familial values are upheld, and everything is carried out through the all-wise patriarch at the center, kind of like Yellowstone. It’s not like this isn’t realistic in America; it’s just not as common as you might think. Also, over the decades TV has veered away from depicting traditional Lifestyles through shows like Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Blue Bloods, however, employs an entirely different formula. Like its representation of law enforcement, what sets the show apart is the fact that a lot of thought and prep goes into making it authentic. This has resulted in a pretty accurate portrayal of cops in NYC. Ever wondered how the show Managed IT well? They went straight to the source. Blue Bloods has James Nuciforo as its technical advisor with 25 years of experience in the force. James is the perfect guy to make sure that the scripts correctly represent cops and detectives. So the show stays true to the technicalities of the police department, which makes this an accurate representation of the American law enforcement.

Blue Bloods - 1. Sezon - Prime Video

“What the hell, you took away anti-crime, you cut my numbers in the field and in the budget, it’s my fault some crazy person fired into a busload of teenagers, that a kid got shot at a playground, that’s on me, Mr. Mayor.”

But when it comes to the themes presented in the show, however, labeling them accurate is debatable. Blue Bloods is more appealing to the conservative Viewpoint. Yeah, the portrayal shows that law enforcement isn’t exactly perfect, but at the end of it all, the series is mostly chock full of people wanting to do the right thing. So maybe it isn’t wrong to say that the show depicts them the way the Americans would like them to be. However, on the other hand, the fact remains that it largely remains uncritical of law enforcement. The multi-generational Saga has often featured police brutality that was later shown to be justified. Danny Reagan often wraps up various suspects in the show, but it’s always swept under the rug because while the clock’s ticking and a case needs to be concluded.

According to a column published in the Daily Bruin, this overly trustworthy portrayal of the cops deserves a rewrite. Something He suggests would make the depiction more in line with reality. But the showrunners don’t want to turn the whole thing into a lecture for the viewers. According to showrunner Kevin Wade, if fans are waiting for story lines that involve police mistrust, they’re gonna be disappointed. Wade shared that people aren’t tuning into the show to be taught a lesson. And when two sides are pitted against each other, the antagonist becomes as large as the hero.

“You and me together, I need people to feel safe in this city. Any update on that Mother’s boy in the hospital?”

Eli Chesnick had surgery to remove the bullet. But the show’s famous for giving both sides their share of representation. However, in the end, Blue Bloods doesn’t get into the nitty-gritties. The moral lessons are pretty tidally laid out, so if the show isn’t preaching to the choir, what’s it trying to say to the audience? Here’s the thing, Blue Bloods is at its core a western, except it’s set in one of the liveliest Urban centers of the world. But don’t let all that hustle and bustle fool you. In essence, the storyline and the characters mimic the all-time classic American theme, except instead of cowboys, there’s a powerful Irish Catholic Family in charge of the reigns. It’s not a predictable police procedural like Law and Order. Instead, it considers the underlying morality of difficult situations as well. It doesn’t shy away from dividing the good and the bad, much like the ever-popular Western genre. In fact, the show remains so clear about this that even at work, the clan is basically a family. And I’m not talking about the toxic “this workplace is like a family” Trope. These people actually are related. Plus, defending the law ain’t an easy job. The characters often find themselves in life or death situations, and their bonds are strengthened even more because of that. So it’s an ideal world where a character is more important than everything else, and the show, through the Reagan family, gives the audience a unique perspective.

“There’s no doubt that this show wants to operate on a level higher than the ordinary police procedural.”

There’s no doubt that this show wants to operate on a level higher than the ordinary police procedural. Car plate was altered, but we’re able to locate him using a bumper sticker and an anonymous tip. Five times for aggravated harassment and assault but gets released every time, and he’s been in and out of Mental Hospitals his whole life.

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