Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods Cast REVEAL The STRICT Rules They Need To Follow..

From preparing the cast mentally to always being ready to say goodbye, to ensuring that no cast member brings negativity on set, here are some of the strict rules that the cast of Blue Bloods needs to follow. Starting with probably the most lenient of them all, the actors must be ready to bid farewell to the show anytime. This might be heartbreaking news for the millions of viewers who have spent their Friday evenings with the Reagans. To see your favorite character being sent off is painful, to say the least, and it doesn’t help that the writers have already made it clear that they can kill you off at any time.

No matter how loved you are, to enforce the idea that their place on the show is temporary, cast members are reminded from time to time that the series can survive without them and that the death of a character can be a beautiful thing. So they’re expected to be at the top of their game at all times, even if they know that they’ll not be making it past a specific episode. The demise of their character is incorporated into the script and it should not be taken personally by the actor because after all, the thing that gives meaning to life is eventual death.

However, no one can know beforehand if an actor is going to be cut off from the show because another rule that the cast members must follow is to keep all spoilers to themselves. The show has been running for more than 200 episodes, so there’s no doubt that it has gathered a pretty huge fan base who’s always anticipating what’s going to happen in the new episodes. But a lot of fans would rather prefer that they find out the answers to their queries after watching the show rather than finding out about major plot twists through an interview. So all cast members have to strictly keep all the information to themselves, regardless of how excited they might be.

To ensure this rule is followed to the core, certain actors are handed different scripts which have omitted twists and turns that the showrunners want the audience to be shocked about. This then helps the cast members act surprised when their characters find out about the exempted sections down the line. Interviewers are always on the lookout for important information like this, and that is why cast members are often coached on how to go about an interview. The interviews are also even reviewed to ensure that nothing out of the ordinary is being asked. So when the host ends up asking a question whose answer could be a potential spoiler, the creators expect the actors to answer the question as diplomatically as possible.

However, they can still talk about certain things like release dates and plot summaries since the whole point of an interview is to promote the show, so fans expect that information while watching. This strict rule is probably why we haven’t gotten many Blue Bloods leaks up till now, and that’s why we have no idea what would be the consequence of a cast member not following the rule. But we’re sure it won’t be good. Not only do the actors have to be extremely vigilant at interviews, but another rule they have to adhere to is sticking strictly to the script. For a show that’s been going for more than a decade, the storyline has become quite complex, and the creators want the show to be perfect in every sense.

Blue Bloods" Blast from the Past (TV Episode 2016) - IMDb

That’s probably the reason why showrunners have implemented this rule. There are a lot of details that may not seem important in one season but may turn out to be vital in later episodes, or if an actor went off script and did something different, it could affect their character and its development throughout the show. Which is why actors must stick to their scripts. The creators rely heavily on their writers to create and edit some plots that come with each season, ensuring that all of it perfectly fits the already created Blue Bloods universe. But can you imagine how hard it’d be to stick to a script word for word, especially when the cast hasn’t been given sufficient time to prepare? It might be a bit harsh to expect them to follow every word, but don’t worry. While the rules which the Blue Bloods cast have to follow might be strict, they’re not cruel. In that case, they’re given leeway, and the actors are asked to follow the script as much as they can.

This rule shouldn’t be surprising for a crime-based drama like Blue Bloods, where improvisation is not a skill that can be exercised regularly. There are far too many plot twists and points that the actors have to adhere to in their dialogues. And mostly actors aren’t even aware of many plot twists to maintain the suspense. Just when you thought this was a tough rule, wait till you hear rule number four, that is, actors always have to make sure they always keep their character’s appearance. It takes a lot of effort to maintain our favorite dysfunctional family, the Reagans. I’m lucky to have a job in which I can keep my personal life separate from my professional one. You might be fortunate too, but not everyone is. Acting is similar to modeling; you’ve got to maintain your appearance according to your role at all times.

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