Sister Wives

New Update: Tony Padron Takes Aim at Kody Brown – Fans Love It

Sister Wives star Kody Brown has a son-in-law, Tony Padron, who seems to get under his skin, and fans of the TLC show love it. The call is out from living rooms all over the nation. They want more Tony. While Kody hasn’t weighed in on his son-in-law’s popularity, one can only guess he might be a bit envious.

Sister Wives: Tony Padron Mowed Down Kody Brown

When Mykelti Brown Padron first introduced Tony Padron on the screen, the jury was out about this guy. Their marriage seemed rushed. Back then fans worried along with her five Sister Wives’ parents that Mykelti was in love with the idea of a wedding more than marriage.

Sister Wives: Mykelti Brown Padron - Tony Padron

It also didn’t help fans to watch as Tony Padron spent Papa Brown’s money as if it were his own. When planning the wedding, Tony added more and more guests to the list. Plus no one can forget Tony Padron’s request for 4,000 tacos to feed their 400 guests.

This was all on Kody Brown’s dime at the time. Nothing about his pending father-in-law intimidated his soon-to-be son-in-law back then. From what shows up on the screen today, it looks as if that still holds on Sister Wives.

Tony Turns Out a Good Kind of Quirky

When Tony first graced the screen, he was seen by many fans as kind of quirky. But after the latest episodes of Sister Wives, he still looks that way. But now it seems there’s much more to him than that.

The one thing he seems to have in common with Kody Brown is the lack of a filter. You know the one most people have and use before they say something. Kody Brown put his foot in his mouth often by blurting things out on the Sister Wives screen.

While he’d attempt to back peddle, the thought was already out there for fans to critique. Kody tends to say what he’s thinking no matter how it sounds. But after he’s spewed it forth, he tends to realize it probably should have been said differently or not said at all.

Sister Wives: Tony Padron - Kody Brown

Tony Padron seems to have the same attribute. While he appears to spurt out what he’s thinking at the time, it’s a little different for him. That’s because his thoughts are usually harmless.

No one ends up feeling hurt when Tony shares his thoughts. A few cases of Kody bypassing the use of a filter surfaced recently. He said things that left Christine Brown and Meri Brown hurt.

Kody’s lack of a filter had Meri feeling dismissed by the Sister Wives’ husband. He suggested she move away and live in her bed and breakfast. He also said some awful things about Christine as she got ready to leave the family.

Along with that, both Meri and Christine learned he didn’t love either one of them the way a husband loves a wife. But Tony only calls it as he sees it. Plus, no one ends up hurt over what he says.

Sister Wives: Kody’s Son-in-Law Surprised Only One Wife Left

Tony Padron’s demonstration of a caring husband was priceless as Mykelti gave birth. It was also quite comical as he worried about the sights and smells of childbirth. But this new dad champions his wife, he doesn’t need to rise above her for airtime.

Which is what many fans think Kody needs to do with his wives. So, when Tony weighed in about Christine Brown leaving Kody Brown, the Sister Wives fans listened.

He thought it was inevitable and was surprised that Kody Brown was able to handle four wives for the length of time he has. Tony wondered how anyone could be surprised that a wife left his father-in-law.

He thought it was just a matter of time before at least one of the four made their exit. He can’t see one man making four women happy. Tony explained how being a husband is something someone does every day.

A husband isn’t a husband for a week at a time, or in Kody’s case, once every four days. So, Tony Padron is the guy fans want to see more of. They like how he calls out Kody for how he sees him.

Plus he became the epitome of a concerned husband as Mykelti had her baby. This has fans saying Kody could learn a thing or two from his son-in-law when it comes to the treatment of his wives.

So, hopefully, TLC hears the fans beckoning Tony Padron to the Sister Wives screen. He’s a loveable guy who’s fun to watch.

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