General Hospital

Move Over, Carly! General Hospital’s Nina Has a New Target

General Hospital just gave Nina the loveliest distraction from her never-ending feud with Carly and her disintegrating marriage to Sonny — a new target at which to aim her fury.

Service With a Smile

When Diane served Nina with divorce papers, Sonny’s attorney couldn’t hide her smirk, not entirely. “You never liked me,” Nina noted. Uh, that’s kinda like saying that Carly isn’t Nina’s No. 1 fan. No, hell no, Diane never liked Nina and has no respect for the heiress, who never had to work a day in her life. (Unlike, say, Sonny, who is always putting in overtime at his rough job of playing godfather.)

But Diane may have made a terrible mistake stopping to “play” with the future ex-Mrs. Corinthos. She may have moved herself to the top of Nina’s hit list.

‘I Do… Not Think We’re Quite Done Here’

Nina, clever as she is, could kill to birds with one stone by getting the goods on Diane. How hard could that be, anyway? She’s spent the bulk of her career bending the long arm of the law so that it doesn’t smack her client, Port Charles’ halo-clad Gotti.

Then, Nina could suggest to Sonny that maybe she’d reconsider using the intel that she’s obtained if perhaps he’d consider giving them another chance. “Six months,” she’d say. “Six months, and if you still feel the same way at the end of it, I’ll sign the divorce papers, leave Diane alone, and we’ll be done with it.”

Maurice Benard, Carolyn Hennesy
"General Hospital" Set
The Prospect Studios
ABC Studios
Episode # 13688
U.S. Airdate 10/18/16

Fat Chance

Of course, once Carly and Diane catch wind of the stunt Nina has pulled, they’ll move heaven and earth to ensure that Sonny’s heart doesn’t soften. Will they succeed? Or willing cohabiting with Nina once again remind him of the love that he and “Mike” both have for her?

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