Days Of Our Lives

The Days of Our Lives Holiday Miracle That’ll Put an End to Nicole’s Nightmare

The jig is up! At least, that’s what it seems like on Days of Our Lives now that Eric and Nicole have their baby’s DNA test in hand.

Sloan, though, burst in on Eric and Nicole at the last minute on the Monday, December 4 episode, demanding an end to the DNA test, which Nicole took as proof of her guilt. Eric, though didn’t look so sure and the test is done and in his hands. All it’ll take is for Nicole to grab the results from him, open them and find out the truth of her baby.

Or will it? Is Sloan’s scheme really about to be upended?

Days' Sloan looking at Eric and Nicole in horror as they hold the envelope with DNA test results

Not a chance in hell. Even if they read through the tests, she’s surely got something up her sleeve to make sure they say what she wants them to. Maybe she and Melinda got to their crooked doctor in time, telling him that if he didn’t figure out how to fix these results, he’d be off to prison. Maybe she had something else in mind.

What we do know from this week’s preview is that Dimitri is telling Leo what happened — and from the season preview that Leo is going to try to use that information to blackmail Sloan.

So no, the story’s not winding up just yet. But it may very well be soon. Sloan’s already on thin ice with Nicole’s absolute certainty that little baby “Insert name here any time you want, Eric and Sloan” is hers. A DNA test isn’t going to put an end to that. Nicole knows DNA tests and she knows they can be altered.

Days' Nicole talking to Eric and Kayla at the hospital while Kayla holds a plastic baggie

Plus, Sloan’s tipping her hand a bit much with her panic over the test, even if she’s playing it off as “This is a violation that I didn’t consent to.” Eric may not believe Nicole right now, but give him time to put Sloan’s behavior together with the perfect timing of the baby death and adoption, and he could start doubting her sooner, rather than later.

And all of that points to one thing: A holiday miracle. It’s a staple on soap operas, and Days of Our Lives is no exception, which makes us all but certain that somehow in some way, Nicole’s likely going to get her baby back by the New Year.

Just look at the recent past in Salem for proof of how ubiquitous holiday miracles are. Last year, we got Kayla, Kate and Marlena’s cure from Orpheus’ fatal poison. The year before we got Marlena’s exorcism.

But even if Nicole does get her baby back, you can bet this story will be far from over. Remember how the ladies were back home safe and sound for Christmas? Well, it was only a couple short months later that the disease was back to kill them all. (Temporarily.) And MarDevil’s exorcism that gave Marlena back to her family in time for the New Year? That just sent the devil into grandson Johnny to keep the reign of terror running for another few months.

Days' EJ looking at Nicole with his hands on his arms in the DiMera living room

So sure, Nicole may get her holiday miracle, but let’s not forget that there’s still the other shoe to drop. The baby is Eric’s, and once EJ learns that, things could still get very, very ugly.

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