The Young & Restless

Sally Reels After Losing Her Baby — and Chance is Faith’s Only Hope of Survival

In the sewer room, Chance tells Sharon to step away from Cameron’s body. He checks for a pulse and declares that he’s dead. Faith begins to panic, “Get this bomb off of me!” Chance warns her not to touch it.

In the hospital, Sally tells Adam the last thing she remembers is having a headache and Elena talking to her. She was short of breath. “Did I pass out?” Adam says he needs to talk to her doctors and get more information. “Right now, you just need to rest.” Sally says, “You’re scaring me. Is something wrong? Is our little girl okay? Where is our baby?”

Adam tells Sally she has to rest and can’t get worked up. Sally senses he’s hiding something and demands to know what’s going on. She clearly had a c-section. “Please, just tell me what happened.” Adam sighs. He asks if she remembers when she was admitted, and Elena warned there was a chance they’d have to induce labor. “Unfortunately, that happened, and you lost consciousness, and they had to do a c-section.” Sally thinks their daughter must be tiny… but that’s okay because they have a great neo-natal department.

Adam looks down at the ground. Sally wants him to take her to the baby and struggles in the bed. Adam asks her to stop and says, “Look at me.” Sally grimaces, “Nope.” Adam tells her there were complications during the surgery. Sally cries that she’s strong… she’s a Spectra and a Newman and can handle anything this life throws at her. Adam whispers, “Not everything.” His voice breaks as he breaks the news, “She didn’t make it. And I’m so sorry.”

In bed in a suite at the GCAC, Nate tells Victoria that they may need to cut back on some of these corporate suite meetings. He wants to be able to focus on work. Victoria thinks that’s a reason for more “meetings” given how closely they’ll be working together. Nate muses, “All Newman, all the time… I like the sound of that.” Victoria offers to distract him, and they start making out.

After sex, Victoria tells Nate she can’t stop thinking about Nicholas dealing with that Cameron Kirsten nut. She hopes he doesn’t do his usual thing and try to take care of everything on his own. He tends to fly off the handle and make everything worse. It’s how he ended up in jail. Nate thinks he has a lot of backup. “You just have to believe they’ll be able to get this guy and bring him to justice.” He takes her drink and soothes, “Let me help you get through this. Whatever you need, I’m here for you.” Victoria embraces him. She feels better already.

In the sewer, Chance examines the bomb around Faith’s middle. He asks how Cameron put it on her. Faith says she must have been passed out and has no idea. Sharon points out no one has touched the detonator… can’t they just take it off of her? Chance says no… the bomb is rigged with sensors and could detonate on the spot. It’s also wireless so it can be triggered from another point.

The sensors will have to be carefully deactivated, one by one. Nick asks, “You can do that, right?” Chance confirms he’s trained to disarm explosives. Sharon tells Faith they couldn’t ask for a better person to do this. Nick holds a light as Chance asks Faith to hold very still. “We’re in this together.” Faith intones, “If the bomb goes off, we both die. I trust you.” Chance gets to work and Sharon tells him this isn’t like in Spain. Chance asks Sharon and Nick to step back but Nick has the light and Sharon has Faith’s hand. “We’re not going anywhere.”

In the corporate suite at the GCAC, Victoria and Nate are back in bed. He wants her to be able to lean on him. Victoria tells him that just being there helps. She worries about Cameron being a wild card. Nate reminds her she has no control over it. Victoria says he’s right but this situation is a powder keg. Nate knows Nick can be a loose cannon but this time they brought in the authorities. Kirsten doesn’t stand a chance.

In the sewer, Chance urges Faith to be patient. He warns he’s going to cut the first wire and asks Faith not to breathe. Sharon cringes but Chance is successful. “Five more to go.” Faith doesn’t want them all to die. Sharon assures her that Chance will get them out of this and she’ll hold her hand until he does. Nick isn’t going anywhere either. Chance agonizes over the colors of the wires.

In the hospital, Sally gasps, “This can’t be true.” Adam is sorry, but it’s true. Sally yells that they said she was going to be strong and a fighter… how can all that be gone. “I wasn’t even awake… I never even met her.” Adam knows it seems like a bad dream. Sally protests, “It’s not real, it’s not real.” She screams at Adam when he tells her to rest. “I need to know what happened!” she rails. “Why?! Why did I lose consciousness?” If she hadn’t, they could have fought together. Adam shouts, “Stop! You did nothing wrong!” Sally sobs, “Then why?! Why is our little girl gone!” Adam face is full of despair as she bawls.

In their suite, Nate tells Victoria he’s there for her no matter what happens. Victoria knows this will take a toll on Nick, who will need to spend some time with Faith. “He’ll have to take some time off.” Nate counters that he may want to keep working. He suggests they go downstairs for a nightcap or a tea to wait for an update from Nikki. Victoria likes that idea and is really glad he’s with her now. Nate says, “Me too.”

At the hospital, Sally asks for Nick and Adam says he’s not there. Sally grits, “You didn’t call him? Adam, I’ve had enough of your stupid competitive games. Seriously, are you that selfish that you are pushing Nick away when I need him most?” Adam says he’s called him and left him voicemails. He even reached out to their father to try and get in touch with him. Sally thinks something must be terribly wrong. Adam makes excuses but Sally cries that he’s taking care of his real family. Adam is sure he’ll be there as soon as he gets the messages — he shows up when people need him and she needs him now. “I promise you that he will be here for you.”

Adam Y&R

In the sewer, they all breathe a sigh of relief as Chance cuts another sensor wire. Faith worries that it’s always the last one that’s a problem in the movies. Nick tries to distract her with dad jokes but remembers she’s not supposed to laugh or move. Faith asks him to tell her something else. Nick and Sharon talk about how Sally’s baby girl will look up to her. Sharon teases that Nick loves to spoil his girls. Nick is looking forward to that… it’s one of the greatest joys of his life. Suddenly, Chance says, “It’s done.” He removes the bomb from Faith’s waist and Nick and Sharon embrace their daughter. “You’re so brave.”

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