Days Of Our Lives

As Days of Our Lives Delves Into John’s Pawn Past, Deidre Hall Warns That ‘It Can Be a Slippery Slope’

The past and present are colliding once again for Days of Our Lives’ John Black. But this isn’t anything new to him. For a man who can’t remember his past, it sure does come up a whole lot to torment him. This time, of course, the do-over is thanks to Konstantin, who’s determined to make John pay for (supposedly) killing his daughter.

Days mashup of Marlena and John looking at each other

The thing is, the con didn’t actually see John do the deed, he just assumes it was him because he was there. And he was Victor’s Pawn. That’s a new twist for someone we thought worked mostly for Stefano — as is the fact that Steve was his handler! But what’s true and what’s not?

In the park at night, Konstantin holds John's chin while studying him.

That’s something, Deidre Hall recently told Soap Opera Digest, that John’s determined to find out.

“He doesn’t even exactly know what that past is at this point,” she shared. “ I mean, Konstantin has sort of mind-controlled him a bit. But John does go off on a mission to clear his name in Greece. So, there is a tale to all this that goes on a bit.”

Hopefully, the Salem folks can get a frequent flier discount at this point, with all the trips back and forth to Greece they’ve been taking since Victor died! But further complicating matters is that card that Konstantin has that can bring The Pawn out to play. Where did it come from? How much control does it give him?

We’ve thought The Pawn has been wiped from John’s mind time and time again, but at this point, we may have to face the fact that it will always be a part of him. This time, though, Hall shared, it’s not quite what we’re used to.

Facing each other on their couch, Marlena rests a concerned hand on John's knee. With a stubbly beard, John frowns.

“This storyline with Konstantin takes him [in a different direction],” she explained, “but he remains as John.” Though she did amend that to “for most of it.”

“I always wonder how far we’ll take it,” Hall confessed to Digest, “because when you lose ‘John,’ it can be a slippery slope. We know how stable he is, how wonderful he is, how romantic he is. Then when you see him as somebody else, it’s sort of like, ‘Wait, what?’”

Hopefully, this particular trip down Memory Lane doesn’t derail John, so much as help us understand him and his past better — and understand why Konstantin’s so obsessed with pulling one over on Victor after he died. It sounds like the animosity between them really started with Konstantin blaming Victor and his Pawn for the death of his daughter. Maybe, if John can clear his name and the truth comes out that they weren’t responsible for Catharina’s death, we’ll finally get rid of Konstantin once and for all.

We certainly don’t want Marlena to lose John or John to lose himself. But the chance of getting Konstantin out of Maggie, John and Steve’s lives may just make this one slope worth sliding down.

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