
Chloe Chrisley CAN’T Return To Mother & Father, Why?

Chloe Chrisley CAN’T Return To Mother & Father, Why?

As Todd and Julie Chrisley face potential prison time, the question of what happens to Chloe Chrisley was posed. Most fans assumed Savannah or Chase would step up to the plate to take on both Chloe and Grayson. A lot of fans, however, wondered if it would make more sense for Chloe to go back to her mother and father.

Todd Chrisley - Instagram

Would Kyle step up and finally be the father Chloe deserved? A lot of fans admit they would love to see Chloe return to her mother and father. Sadly, there are reasons why returning Chloe to her mother AND father won’t work. What are they? Keep reading.

Todd Chrisley - Julie - Chloe - YouTube

Chloe Chrisley’s mother and father are NOT together anymore

The biggest issue with wondering whether Chloe could simply be with her mother and father is the fact that her mother and father are no longer together. Furthermore, it isn’t really crystal clear where Chloe’s mother, Angela Victoria Johnson, even is right now.

A quick search reveals she’s had some brushes with the law including being arrested for Medicaid fraud. Considering her criminal history, placing Chloe in her care is unlikely to be in Chloe’s best interest. Likewise, Chloe has been with Todd and Julie since she was pretty small. It is possible she wouldn’t even really know who her mother was.

Kyle Chrisley - Instagram

Kyle Chrisley has a new wife and life

Now, fans know Kyle Chrisley and his father Todd did makeup. He does see and spend time with Chloe every once in a while. Kyle, however, got married to a woman named Ashleigh. Instagram activity reveals that Ashleigh had children prior to marrying Kyle. Children that Kyle Chrisley is great with. The same Instagram activity also revealed that Kyle and his wife Ashleigh want to have children of their own together. So, Chloe Chrisley may not fit so well into that picture.

Would the judge do back-to-back sentences?

One theory fans have is the judge may consider doing back-to-back sentences where either Julie or Todd go to jail first and the other parent goes to jail after the first completes their sentencing. This would allow the parents to continue to care for their children. It, however, would also ensure Todd and Julie get very little time to be together if they both had to do 30 years.

Todd chrisely - chloe youtube

Who do you think should step in to take care of Chloe Chrisley if Todd and Julie go to jail? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more on the Chrisley family.

Julie Chrisley Breaks Down To Tears: ‘Hurt People, Hurt People’

Chrisley Knows Best - Lindsie Chrisley - Julie Chrisley

Julie Chrisley breaks down to tears during her appearance on Lindsie’s podcast Coffee Convos. As TvShowsAce previously reported, Todd’s entire family sat down for a massive tell-all about Lindsie’s estrangement. After getting a divorce, Lindsie Chrisley managed to find her way back to her family.

During this crossover podcast, the family plans to open up about how the estrangement started and the difficult journey to where they are now. The hearts of Chrisley Knows Best fans break as they listen to Julie Chrisley sob multiple times during part one of the crossover.

Julie Chrisley - Youtube

Julie Chrisley cries as she buries the hatchet with Lindsie

One thing Todd, Savannah, and Julie wanted the world to know was that they needed to stop being so hard on Lindsie. Sadly, many fans decided they just couldn’t stand Lindsie after she became estranged from the family. Todd Chrisley’s family needs the world to know that estrangement and feuds work both ways. Todd admits that he wanted to pick up the phone dozens of times to check on his eldest daughter. Pride, however, got in the way.

Because of the estrangement, Todd Chrisley knew nothing of his daughter Lindsie. For example, Todd and Julie explained they had no idea things were going so poorly in her marriage. They only knew what they saw on social media or via the press. Lindsie painted a very happy, healthy, and strong picture online. In reality, she was suffering.

Lindsie Julie Todd Chrisley Instagram

Savannah Chrisley opened up about a mistake she made out of anger. She admitted she heard something her sister Lindsie said via the press and she got frustrated. So, when she got approached at the airport by reporters, Savannah responded by saying things she shouldn’t have said about Lindsie. Todd noted that he did the very same thing a few times on social media. And, he regretted it.

Julie added to the conversation noting that “hurt people, hurt people” before breaking down into tears. While there was silence from Todd, both Savannah and Lindsie sounded a bit uncomfortable as they watched their mother weep. Julie apologizes for losing her composure and her daughters urged her to take a moment before continuing.

A smaller photo of a woman with blonde hair next to a larger photo of a man in a pink shirt and a second woman in a black shirt

The theme of the entire podcast episode seemed to be making sure Chrisley Knows Best fans stopped blaming Lindsie for the estrangement or for the family drama because everyone played a role in what happened and what didn’t happen.

Did your heartbreak listening to Julie Chrisley cry? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more on Chrisley Knows Best.

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